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2008 ZBA Annual Meeting
Jackson Board of Adjustment
ANNUAL MEETING - January 16, 2008

Members in Attendance: Ted Brown, Roger Chambers, Debra Crowther and Helene Matesky. Alternates attending the meeting were Frank Benesh and David Urey. Dot Wood and Lisa Macallister notified the board that they were unable to attend.  Susan Way is our recording secretary.

The annual meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Roger Chambers, Chairman of the Board of Adjustment, reading the agenda.

Election of Board of Adjustment Officers
General Business Discussion

Election of Officers
The Chairman began the meeting with discussion of nominations for officers for the Board of Adjustment for 2008.

 Helene Matesky thanked Roger for his service as Chairman and made a motion to reelect Roger Chambers as the Chairman. Debra Crowther seconded the motion. There was no discussion and all voted favorably.

David Urey made a motion to reelect Debra Crowther as the Vice Chairman. Helene Matesky seconded the motion. There was no discussion and all voted favorably.

Debra Crowther made a motion to reelect Helene Matesky as Clerk. Ted Brown seconded the motion. There was no discussion and all voted favorably.

Roger Chambers made a motion to keep Susan Way as recording secretary. Ted Brown seconded the motion and all voted favorably.

New Business

Roger asked if anyone had any suggestions for changes or improvements regarding meetings and public hearings.   Members reviewed procedures that are followed after an application is received.   Roger Chambers explained that we research the application and make and distribute copies so that all members have the information several days in advance of the public hearing.  It was agreed that 2007 was a quiet year for the Board of Adjustment due to better understanding of procedures and the Zoning Ordinance by the public.

In other business, David Urey mentioned that the Planning Board is considering two Zoning Ordinance changes that may be presented at Town Meeting and members should be aware of these.

Roger Chambers expressed sadness at the passing of Kurt Kramp who was a Board member and Chairman for many years.  With Kurt’s passing the Board discussed its recommendation that David Urey move from alternate to full membership.

Roger mentioned that he attended a recent Board of Selectmen’s meeting to express his support of David.  He noted that there was a question by the Selectmen because David is currently a member of the Planning Board.

Debbie Crowther mentioned that in her mind, it is logical that the Selectmen would appoint David Urey as a full member.  She noted that rather than being a detriment, David’s membership on the Board of Adjustment and the Planning Board has been an asset due to his detailed knowledge of the Zoning Ordinance.  She indicated that a Planning Board member on the Board of Adjustment would have been a tremendous asset on the many difficult cases the Board faced in the past.

Helene Matesky agreed with Debbie’s comments and pointed out that state law (RSA 673:7) states that membership on two boards is permissible. In addition, she noted that during several state training sessions she attended, those participating and various attorneys indicated that membership on both boards can be very helpful on complicated cases.

She mentioned that on several occasions at Jackson Board of Adjustment public hearings, David’s comments and knowledge of the Zoning Ordinance have helped the Board avoid decisions which could have resulted in costly litigation.

After further discussion, the Board again unanimously noted its approval of the appointment of David Urey as a full member of the Board.  Members also indicated it would be difficult to find people willing to act as alternates, if later they were not appointed to full board membership.
Frank Benesh asked if the Board of Adjustment should write a letter to the Board of Selectmen stating its unanimous support of David Urey as the next full member. Helene mentioned that as both she and Roger have already expressed to the Selectmen their support of David’s appointment, other Board members may also want to individually write as well.

There being no further discussion Ted Brown made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:40 pm; Helene Matesky seconded the motion and all voted favorably.

Respectfully submitted
Susan G. Way, Recording Secretary
January 21, 2008